The Season of Returning Light

Bendis's picture

Whether we celebrate Christmas, Yule, Hanukka, or Kwanza, this time of year glorifies the light and our return to it. Light comes to us in fire, in the sun, in the stars and is reflected on the moon.  It can also be a divine spark inside when we are about to create something. There are many ways to define light in this sense but in its simplest form when we are in the light. we are coming from a place of love - love in our hearts.  Light is the source of all things.  When we are in darkness, evenually we seek the light.  Sometimes our darkest times give us clarity as to what light means to us.  However, we must also remember all the good that is ours that arises from the darkness.  On this Solstice morn or as you celebrate Christmas, Hanukka or Kwanza - remember the Light - allow it to brighten your heart.  Open yourself to love. Allow love to fill your whole being - love for yourself - love for family and friends and yes, even for those you feel wronged by or estranged from.

Let us embrace the Light. 

I hear the sweetest sound
The sound of hope to come
Together we can bring
Good will to everyone

Let it start with you

Let it start with me
Let every mission rise

To sing this melody.

Fill the air with joyful noise
Ring the bells and raise your voice
Let there be peace on earth
Let there be peace on earth
Lift your light
Let it shine
Shine, shine, shine
Let there be peace on earth
Let there be peace on earth


(words rearranged from the Glade song!)